上一轮道德经读完。 今天从新开始。 道德经不变,但是人的心境不断演变。
宪法和道德经同属于”不点人名“的经典奇书。 与道德经同时的著作多数喜欢name dropping,人物为主,或为楷模,或为反派。 关尹喜求老子留书的时候,他的问题业已失传。 我们来替他恢复原问题。 第一个问题:”请史学大拿老子为我们普及升官之道“。 老子的回答是”道可道非常道“。 关尹喜继续问: ”请史学大拿老子为我们讲王朝名人轶事“。 老子的回答是”名可名非常名“。
“无”以观“有”,“变”以观“不变”,“古”以观“今”,“华”以观“夷“。 反之亦然。
(Constitution the Preamble)
(Constitution the Preamble)
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Deborah Meier (an educational reformer, writer, and activist) believes that schools should teach students a specific set of skills in order to be highly effective. The skills, also known as ‘habits of mind,’ include:
Significance (why it is important)
Perspective (what is the point of view)
Evidence (how do you know)
Connection (how does it apply)
Supposition (what if it were different)
我正好在看这个5 habits of mind, 可以看作是一个入门级别的解释。道德经以虚打实,以退为进,比之层次清晰的西学传统要高明多了。
@MD 你这么两相对照,真是有意思!
MD: The writers of the Constitution did not write down names either. But the writers were learned in Classics, and they had collectively hundreds of years working in local legislature and many of them were lawyers. In the background of their minds, the Kings of England, English judges, philosophers, Caesars, Decline and Fall of Roman Empire played prominent roles in the writing of the US Constitution.
Tao Te Ching by contrast, seemed to be written by <3 people. However, Laotze was a prominent historian probably from a long line of historians. Thus, even though he never named names, real people were behind the writing of this seminal book.
significance:两者都是探求完美(more perfect) 和 自由 (liberty)之路 (道).
MD: Yes. Continue to read Tao Te Ching, by the end, we will see a lot of the same values advocated by the US Constitution.
perspective:两者都是从非常humble的凡人角度思考的,we the people 和无名氏。
MD: Evidence: 两者如“随风潜入夜,润物细无声”。
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