Wednesday, May 31, 2017

DDJ 77. 天之道,损有余而补不足


"天之道,损有余而补不足", 老子总结历史数据, 现代统计学和信息学,热力学多有印证。
Return to the Mean

“人之道①,则不然,损不足以奉有余。”  人却总是想逆天道而行之: 严刑峻法(秦), 戮杀功臣分封刘姓(汉高),穷兵黩武(汉武),假仁假义(汉武以后), 引狼入室(魏晋唐), 废武崇文(宋)。  江山永固,是梦宜醒。  

孰能有余以奉天下? 唯有道者。 是以圣人为而不恃,功成而不处,其不欲见贤“。 武训传

武训文盲,居然能得“义学病”。  孔子仕途不顺,自建私校。 黑人奴隶们一解放就兴建100多个黑人大学。北美几十万华人大学毕业生,哭天抹泪藤校歧视;北美华人子弟受高校歧视,竟无华人私校无华人大学可以收留教育成才。  自恨求“融入”,也是梦宜醒。   司马迁要是复生,不知道有什么点评。 


Section 1

Section 2

“Passed by Congress on March 3, 1869, and ratified in 1870, the Fifteenth Amendment was the last of the three Reconstruction Amendments. Though the language of the Fifteenth Amendment prohibits all race-based discrimination in qualifications for voting, the Framers were primarily concerned with the enfranchisement of African-Americans. As early as 1866, many of the Republicans were convinced of the need for a constitutional amendment that would require the states to allow African-Americans to vote. Indeed, at one point the Joint Committee on Reconstruction voted to report a version of the Fourteenth Amendment that explicitly embraced the principle of race-blind suffrage. However, many Northerners continued to oppose black suffrage in principle, and fears of a political backlash led the committee to abandon the issue before the proposed amendment came to the floor. By 1869, the situation had changed. Although the outcome of referenda on black suffrage in the North continued to reflect the opposition of critical swing voters, other factors persuaded mainstream Republicans in Congress of the need for a federal constitutional amendment to deal with the issue.”
华人不学法律,不懂法律,就不明天道:可以文“坑”,可以武“坑”。   当苦力被排华法案给驱逐;现在做生意当老板,照样是那个被”损“的。天之道,损有余而补不足。  话说Lexmark上世纪九十年代被IBM spun-out, 带走1000+打印机专利。 2016年3个Billion 卖给中国公司。 一年以后,最高法庭裁决against Lexmark.

危机危机,没有危机感,只有危险。  有危机感,才能有“机会”。没有危机感,则只有自己危险不醒悟,坐看别人利用机会。 所以目不识丁的

Monday, May 29, 2017

DDJ 76. 兵强则灭,14修订,端午Memorial Day


"故坚强者死之徒⑥,柔弱者生之徒⑦。  兵强则灭,木强则折。"   道德经对兵家的影响,从孙子开篇看出来。  “始計篇 第一     孫子曰:兵者,國之大事,死生之地,存亡之道,不可不察也。故經之以五,校之以計,而索其情:一曰道,二曰天,三曰地,四曰將,五曰法。道者,令民于上同意者也”


道德经有很强的预言性。六国之殇,至今震撼人心。 端午Memorial Day今年重合。 美国华人有很多原因应该纪念屈原。 “怀王使屈原造为宪令”,屈原是诗人,也是宪法改革先驱。  “民离散而相失兮,方仲春而东迁。“- 九章·哀郢  我们就是东迁的。 


Section 1

Section 2

Representatives shall be apportioned among the several States according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed. But when the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for President and Vice-President of the United States, Representatives in Congress, the Executive and Judicial officers of a State, or the members of the Legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such State, being twenty-one years of age, and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion, or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such State.

Section 3

Section 4

Section 5

How the Civil War played out.  One of the key reason motivating Southern States to secede from Union was the demographic loss of Slave States.   The 14th State to 33rd State to join the Union were majority non-slave holding States, all slave states suffer from low population (since slaves don't count as much as free citizens in votes). The 34th State Kansas was the center for a huge battle between abolitionists and slave owners and eventually joined the Union.  The South was losing elections in the Congress and losing Presidential elections as well.  
Electoral map as in 1860.   The west coast and most of the west looked like lost to the South.
The Southerners could not afford to wait any longer.  So they planned to secede and a preemptive strike to start the Civil War.
Fast forward to the end of the war.   After half century of no Constitutional Amendments, the Congress passed the Reconstruction Amendments in rapid succession.   The Civil Rights Act of 1866 had previously asserted that "All persons born in the United States and not subject to any foreign power, excluding Indians not taxed, are hereby declared to be citizens of the United States." The immediate impetus for the Fourteenth Amendment was to constitutionalize and validate the Civil Rights Act because some had questioned whether the Thirteenth Amendment was a sufficient basis for its constitutionality. A constitutional amendment would also have the advantage of preventing a later unfriendly Congress from repealing it.
Amendment XIV were relevant last century, and it is still relevant today. 
美国南方退出联邦,算”违宪“吗?北方征讨南方,算“义战”吗? 二战算“义战“吗?  二战以后有“义战”吗?  中美有”义战“吗?
幸好道教概率上谈谈上上下下,实际上没怎么讲究上上下下(若以下犯上,儒教口水淹死人)。  世世代代,美国华人应该纪念排华法案”离散而相失“者, 纪念华裔老兵英雄. 也应该纪念埋骨中国太平洋的二战美军。

美国华裔这个少数民族,致敬谁?缅怀谁?传承谁?这些问题早晚都需要水落石出。  愿中美永无战事,庸人不自扰之。

DDJ 75. 求生之厚,废奴十三修订


“民之难治,以其上之有为①,是以难治。民之轻死,以其上求生之厚②,是以轻死夫唯无以生为者,是贤于贵生.  ”


屈原在美国历史上,最像Thomas Jefferson, Robert Lee 这些南方忧郁贵族,文豪名将;本身充满矛盾,叛逆眷恋,无力回天。 

道教怜惜屈原“皓皓之白”,然不推荐以“身之察察”赴湘流。  ”宁其死为留骨而贵乎,宁其生而曳尾于涂中乎“ - 庄子



富贵,死地。役人,死地。自恨,死地。 轻死,死地。 


Section 1

Section 2

Quoted from above:
The Thirteenth Amendment was intended to complete the destruction of slavery begun by the U.S. government during the Civil War in its policy of military emancipation. The official aim of the war was to preserve the Union and the Constitution against the attempt of eleven Southern states to secede from the Union by armed force. In an attempt to keep the peace and prevent further secession, Congress proposed a constitutional amendment on March 2, 1861, stating that the Constitution should never be amended to give Congress power to abolish or interfere with slavery within any state. Once the South had seceded, the status of slavery in the rebellious states was subject to change. Union policy recognized that emancipation of slaves employed in support of the rebellion was a legitimate war measure. The Emancipation Proclamation, issued by President Abraham Lincoln on January 1, 1863, signaled the transformation of an expedient military strategy into a settled executive policy for maintaining the freedom of slaves, emancipated by military means or through enforcement of confiscation and treason statutes enacted by Congress.
On the assumption that slavery was a state rather than national institution, antislavery advocates at first anticipated that military defeat of the Confederacy would result in its abolition through amendment of state constitutions. The Emancipation Proclamation shifted the focus of antislavery strategy to the national government. Lincoln's proclamation stated that "the Executive government of the United States, including the military and naval authorities thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom" of emancipated slaves. ...    The legal effect of the executive order on individual slaves was uncertain... To place slave emancipation on a secure constitutional footing, Congress proposed on January 31, 1865, to abolish slavery by constitutional amendment. Ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment, including approval by reconstructed governments in the former Confederate states, was completed on December 6, 1865.
The Thirteenth Amendment is libertarian in its nature and purpose, however, rather than egalitarian. The libertarian characteristic of the amendment was made clear in congressional debate in 1864. Congress rejected a more far-reaching proposal, which stated: "All persons are equal before the law, so that no person can hold another as a slave; and the Congress shall have the power to make all laws necessary and proper to carry this declaration into effect everywhere within the United States."

道德经是中国古代废奴先驱也是废奴思想集大成者。但是老子有不直说的习惯;“我有三宝”,大约他以为奴隶主认真研究“慈俭让”,就可以自己动手照顾自己,还奴隶自由。 最明确继承废奴思想的墨家风靡一时,又MIA。儒教也继承废奴思想,但是君子动口不动手,忠君高于爱民,指望儒教不现实。 道教不常执政,但凡执政废话不说, 先减税废奴; 虽然很快就有口摘桃子的把道教吆喝到边边上站着,但也算无愧于心尽力而为。
所以老子不直说,不捅破窗户纸,有点失算。 奴隶制一直没有根绝,毒瘤在以后的2500年中定期发作,毒死毒残好几个重要朝代(比如司马晋朝,唐,宋); 甚至贴心地为广大奴隶们输入全套奴隶教; 宋朝以后,草原奴隶主们更是万众一心,”去花花世界,抢美女奴隶“是他们的号召口号。  


Sunday, May 28, 2017

DDJ 74. 代大匠斫, 削藩自削






夫代司杀者④杀,是谓代大匠斫⑤,希有不伤其手者矣。 “越俎代庖” -庄子zh。

道教执政需要1)尊重民的生存隐私权利;2)需要分工;3)领地分治。 加起来,就是清静无为之政。

刘邦善听,以道得国,在位不过七八年,折合美国总统两届; 不过儒生们自有办法,唤醒刘邦内心权利的躁动。 儒生叔孙通作礼仪,于是高帝曰:'吾乃至今日知为皇帝之贵。' 既然如此之贵,要不择手段保住。 手段就是诛杀功臣异姓王,如韩信这悲催孩子; 与脑子进水的其他功臣一起缔结“白马之盟”: 非刘氏而王,天下共击之。

老刘杀功臣,逼功臣确立天下藩王都姓刘,想法够自私够可耻。 很快连刘姓王都忍不住内讧,毕竟你也姓刘,我也姓刘,都想做体验一下“皇帝之贵”啊。 所以就有晁错这悲催孩子,跳出来倡议“削藩“;这下好,捅了藩王马蜂窝。可怜晁错被汉景帝连诳带骗,全家祭入了儒家天堂,永世跪舔。藩王制度也受汉武帝长期削弱,最后名存实亡。


太史公曰:袁盎虽不好学,亦善傅会,仁心为质,引义慨。遭孝文初立,资适逢世(孝文道治)。 时以变易,及吴楚一说,说虽行哉,然复不遂。好声矜贤,竟以名败。晁错为家令时,数言事不用;後擅权,多所变更。诸侯发难,不急匡救,欲报私雠,反以亡躯。语曰“变古乱常,不死则亡”,(动摇道家国本,毁白马之盟),岂错等谓邪!

除汉孝文帝,汉光武帝以外,汉帝风格:飞鸟尽,良弓藏;伴君如伴虎;轻盟爽约,滥杀大臣,动则灭族。 帝王亲自”代司杀者“, 或者指示近臣”代司杀者“,欺世盗名不可久也。 武帝以后,汉帝除了光武帝,往往短寿横死;不一定是天谴,大概是外戚党,太监党,以其之道还施彼身。

西汉朝惊心动魄的改国策,儒代道,儒教独尊后依然内斗频发。 后来的华夏王朝凡用儒代道无不遭到同样的诅咒。 为什么美国建国国父却能够避免这种诅咒呢? 因为美国的类似儒家的思想,没有能够被独尊。 道家的思想始终占上手。 后面会说。

有人好意教育我勿“唧唧歪歪”。 论唧唧歪歪,谁能比屈原?



The Judicial power of the United States shall not be construed to extend to any suit in law or equity, commenced or prosecuted against one of the United States by Citizens of another State, or by Citizens or Subjects of any Foreign State.

“The Eleventh Amendment was ratified in 1795 as a response to the Supreme Court's decision in Chisholm v. Georgia (1793). Chisholm had held that the federal courts could hear suits by individuals against state governments for money damages, notwithstanding the sovereign immunity that the states had traditionally enjoyed. The resulting furor—based largely on concerns that the states would be held accountable for their Revolutionary War debts—gave rise in 1795 to the ratification of the Eleventh Amendment, which established a fairly narrow textual bar to jurisdiction in cases like Chisholm itself. Chisholm was the first major constitutional decision of the new Court, and the Eleventh Amendment reversed it, eight years before Marbury v. Madison (1803).

The notion of sovereign immunity predates the Eleventh Amendment, having its origins in the English common law as well as from political theorists such as Thomas Hobbes and Jean Bodin. The Framers were clearly aware of the traditional doctrine that the states were immune from private lawsuits as sovereign entities, and some Anti-Federalists feared that Article III, Section 1, of the Constitution—which declares that the federal judicial power extends to suits "between a State and Citizens of another State"—would override that doctrine. Several key Framers—including Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Marshall—are on record denying that the Constitution would, of its own force, deprive the states of this immunity...

In addition to abrogating state immunities under Section 5, Congress retains other important tools for holding state actors accountable for violations of federal law. Congress can, for example, require the states to waive their immunities as a condition for receipt of federal grants under the Spending Clause (Article I, Section 8, Clause 1). Furthermore, state sovereign immunity has never been understood to bar suits by the United States itself. Federal enforcement agencies thus may continue to enforce the ADEA and ADA against state governments. Nor does state immunity bar claims against state officers for injunctive relief or (when the officer is sued in his personal capacity) for money damages. So long as these options exist, the sovereign immunity embodied in the Eleventh Amendment and its extratextual background principles will tend to force suits against the states into certain channels without entirely eliminating the possibility of relief.

The Electors shall meet in their respective states and vote by ballot for President and Vice-President, one of whom, at least, shall not be an inhabitant of the same state with themselves; they shall name in their ballots the person voted for as President, and in distinct ballots the person voted for as Vice-President, and they shall make distinct lists of all persons voted for as President, and of all persons voted for as Vice-President, and of the number of votes for each, which lists they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the seat of the government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate; — the President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates and the votes shall then be counted; — The person having the greatest number of votes for President, shall be the President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed; and if no person have such majority, then from the persons having the highest numbers not exceeding three on the list of those voted for as President, the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President. But in choosing the President, the votes shall be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote; a quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two-thirds of the states, and a majority of all the states shall be necessary to a choice. And if the House of Representatives shall not choose a President whenever the right of choice shall devolve upon them, before the fourth day of March next following, then the Vice-President shall act as President, as in case of the death or other constitutional disability of the President. — The person having the greatest number of votes as Vice-President, shall be the Vice-President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed, and if no person have a majority, then from the two highest numbers on the list, the Senate shall choose the Vice-President; a quorum for the purpose shall consist of two-thirds of the whole number of Senators, and a majority of the whole number shall be necessary to a choice. But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States.
The Twelfth Amendment, the last to be proposed by the Founding generation, was proposed for ratification in December 1803 and was ratified in 1804, in time for the presidential election that year. The previous system had yielded, in the election of 1796, Federalist John Adams's election as President, while his bitter rival and sometimes-close friend, Republican Thomas Jefferson, was elected Vice President. In the election of 1800, Republican electors, though they clearly preferred Jefferson, sought to guarantee that Republicans won both offices, and cast seventy-three electoral votes for both Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr. This threw the election into the House of Representatives, where it was only resolved (in Jefferson's favor) on the thirty-sixth ballot. The hardening of party lines and concomitant voting by party slates (which the Framers had not contemplated) and some dissatisfaction with the way in which electors were chosen in the states led to proposals for change。。。

相比汉初多被戮杀的国父们,美国国父们老谋深算,给总统就4年,搞宪政联邦,力挺州权民权,重视盟约。 Like the Early Han Dynasty founders and dignitaries, they also had bitter rivalries, but mostly resolved them through legal horse-trading without bloodshed. One exception being the duel between Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton:
道德经教育我们, 不要做老板的应声虫,肚里的蛔虫,老板的刀。 要有法制观念,要学习宪法盟约,要自尊,也要尊重别人的权利,不要自作聪明,“代大匠斫”。

所谓的法律公平,都在法普基础上。 Prosecutors often find an easy-to-score, politically safe case to target the Chinese Americans in business and professional workplace. Every professional Chinese American should take a legal workshop and learn about American legal system.

Saturday, May 27, 2017

DDJ 73. 不争而善胜, 权利法案完


刘邦,萧何,曹参: 此三人,楚之有道者; 勇于不敢,与秦民”约法三章“; 不争而善胜。 以清静治国,萧规曹随,传为美谈。

楚与秦百年恩怨,千里伏尸。  项羽勇于敢,好争而不善谋,失之天道; 悲剧复仇者形象,楚人缅怀至今。  

"勇于敢则杀,勇于不敢则活①。此两者,或利或害②。天之所恶,孰知其故?是以圣人犹难之. "  成王败寇,身死则辱,此犬儒主义; 道教不屑为之。


- 屈原



Bill of Rights (权利法案)最后两条。  注意美国宪法靠足够多州府签字才能正式成为法律。  也就是说,宪法的合法性来自13州,后来变成50州。 所以Bill of Rights是从13州的角度,受13州的要求,联邦支持者们对13州的让步。
13州说: 我们是Good guys.   英国政府耍流氓,我们保护大家。  联邦政府,会不会也对我们耍流氓啊?
Federalists(联邦派)赶紧说: Oh ok.  You are the good guys.  We are with you...    Here are the Bill of Rights for your citizens to be protected from the federal government.   In exachange. please ratify our entire Constitution.
Fast forward 70 years later when Southern States seceded, Northern States controlling Federal government said:  ”States are not always good guys.   We have to protect our citizens from States too. “

Bill of Rights 广有运用,华人应熟知。 时事为证:
汉初中国也有很强的诸侯分封自治的思想。 东西方价值观,明明源头不一样,可是常有类似。  Are we alone?  天网恢恢,疏而不漏。
正好Memorial Day到了。  美国有什么地方可以缅怀一下二战华裔老兵和中国战场老兵吗? 入乡随俗,端午节正好一起过。  纪念伍子胥,凭吊屈原,祭祀介之推,项羽也好,缅怀二战华裔老兵和亚洲战场美国老兵更合适:华人可各取所爱。  诚既勇兮又以武,终刚强兮不可凌。身既死兮神以灵,魂魄毅兮为鬼雄。

华人在美国,要是没有可以祭祀先烈的地方,那不算家园。走到哪里,就把本土文化精华,圣贤,英雄,宗教都搬过来, 才能生存绵延.    整个社区,应致力于维护传统宗教文化,融合宪法精神。 孤独推娃顶风爬藤, 不如社区高屋建瓴。

高屋建瓴 出处】《史记·高祖本纪》:“地势便利,其以下兵于诸侯,譬犹居高屋之上建瓴水也。”

Friday, May 26, 2017

DDJ 72. 游侠之死,第七第八


关尹喜问“刑”。 老子阐述“滥刑”之弊。   民不畏威①,则大威至②。
无狎③其所居,无厌④其所生。” 这是上古黄帝到夏商周,中国比较一贯的治国方针: 尊重人的隐私,尊重人的生计,无为清静。  
夫唯不厌⑤,是以不厌。”  不要搞得两看相厌,那时将大厌至。
“是以圣人自知不自见⑥,自爱不自贵。”  大多数人一不小心就搞反了。 自见而不自知,自贵而不自爱。圣人君主这个群体,春秋战国时期,有周室共约, 有侠客们屠龙刀悬在各位“圣人”脖子上,自知自爱倒是常能做到。 一旦大一统君权出了笼子,自知自爱更加渺茫难求。

游侠儿刘邦建立道教汉朝,千古淫棍刘彻滥刑谋杀一代大侠庭外调节第一人郭解。  自此第二个游侠时代黯然收场。

笼子没有了, 监督闭嘴了,游侠灭族了,道教滚蛋了。 国本已亡,民畏其威,人贪其利,大奸将出。  


This clause deals with Jury trial in civil cases (as opposed to criminal cases).

There are quite a bit of history and historic transition behind this Amendment.   Yet even an important Constitutional concept could lose to time.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

DDJ 71. 夫唯病病,是以不病


老子开头,道教出医生;反正就是一个系统一个系统地看,再揉在一起远远近近地看一看,望闻问切。 道士比起西方理发师拔牙当医生还算有些优势,古代道医各方面都有巨大突破。后来道教颓势千年的时候,医学也失传倒退落后,大家不要乱怪道教。 

《韩非子。 喻老》扁鹊见蔡桓公


Quaker and Jury Trial:

More Jury Trials in Early America:

Most of the Constitutional safeguards are procedural.   Injustice, bully, deception, abuse of power will always exist.   公民价值观,宪法价值观,好的宗教价值观, 可以“以其病病,是以不病”。 

歧视到处都有,   有的赤裸裸得可爱,有的牛毛针一样阴险。 任何族群不懂法律,不自己培养律师,不知道保护自己产业生态, 就会被分而亡之。 Zillow Prize on Kaggle ban Chinese entrants:

华人在美国企业生态有很多缺门短门。 Kaggle 既然这么不看好华人,为什么美国华人不支持华人办的Kaggle killer?   Harvard 既然不能公平对待华人,为什么没有华人大学?  黑人大学有100多家了。  美国华人要是有华人大学100多家,还需要求哈佛吗?

没有完整的生态,不要说华人个人, 华人小公司难以存活,连老号工司都随时被祭出去做替罪羊,检察官的升官石。

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

DDJ 70. 言有宗,第五修订


”被褐而怀玉“,老子原话颇有点偷乐的情怀。 韩非子和氏璧故事似乎源于此。

韩非是周-晋-韩王室后裔,周史传人。韩非的著作,改老子不点名的习惯,特别喜欢点名;估计韩非有第一手第二手史料,点名特别有信心,文字特别优美。韩非子是古代第一个广为流传的用史实大数据来解释老子思想的里程碑。 但是周朝晋国早已灭亡,韩非子眼看韩国命运多厄苟延残喘,难免愤青, 连”被褐而怀玉“也染上浓重的愤青悲剧色彩。 


道德经像是九阳真经, 被孔子,墨子,韩非子各取所爱, (除了墨徒很早绝迹), 孔子韩非子徒子徒孙们都得以贯彻两千年的“仁义”-“权术”,  “教化”-“愚民”, 轮番上阵,然而“天下莫能知(全),莫能行(道)”,权利之陶醉,人心之怯懦,知-行之间有不可逾越的鸿沟。 只有张无忌机遇巧合修全九阳真经,可惜张无忌被农民和尚摆一道就黯然归隐。

所以知难,行更难。 老子自卖自夸“吾言甚易知,甚易行。” 话刚出口,就马上意识到“靠-海口夸大了”,赶快改口”天下莫能知,莫能行。“   ”知我者希,则我者贵“。  估计关尹喜一脸懵逼。

汉初的“约法三章”,“九章律” 源头始于黄老之术。 
史记  孝文本纪

大道甚夷,而人好径”。 武帝饱暖思淫欲, 废道尊儒,妄设“腹诽之法”,”春秋决狱“; 动摇国本而恶果暂时不显,流毒2000年。  又扯远了。 两千年后...


Bill of Rights were written to be concise, and easily remembered by citizens and laymen.   Half of the Bills of Rights protect the citizens through legal due process. Each of these concepts are worthy of expansion.   Due Process:

Double Jeopardy:

Self Incrimination, please click away:

Grand Jury is different from Jury Trial.   Jury trial is covered by other clauses in Constitution and Amendments.
“despite the original purpose of the Fifth Amendment, most observers now agree that the grand jury has returned to its accusatory roots and is now used as an investigative tool that is much more of a benefit to the prosecutor than to criminal suspects. Grand juries today have broad subpoena power, which enables them to gather an extraordinary amount of evidence in criminal investigations. Suspects often waive the right to grand-jury review of their case; they may prefer to forgo the minimal protection that comes from this review and avoid the potential for a more searching investigation of their conduct.”

斗转星移,不忘初心者几乎? 千秋万代,不忘其本者几乎? 教育目标很单纯, 上善若水,消毒,思源。 儒法皆毒,理论上以毒攻毒,一个急发作,一个慢发作; 实际上神仙打架,凡人遭殃。 不如被褐怀玉,非怀玉也,过滤消毒石也。