”被褐而怀玉“,老子原话颇有点偷乐的情怀。 韩非子和氏璧故事似乎源于此。
韩非是周-晋-韩王室后裔,周史传人。韩非的著作,改老子不点名的习惯,特别喜欢点名;估计韩非有第一手第二手史料,点名特别有信心,文字特别优美。韩非子是古代第一个广为流传的用史实大数据来解释老子思想的里程碑。 但是周朝晋国早已灭亡,韩非子眼看韩国命运多厄苟延残喘,难免愤青, 连”被褐而怀玉“也染上浓重的愤青悲剧色彩。
道德经像是九阳真经, 被孔子,墨子,韩非子各取所爱, (除了墨徒很早绝迹), 孔子韩非子徒子徒孙们都得以贯彻两千年的“仁义”-“权术”, “教化”-“愚民”, 轮番上阵,然而“天下莫能知(全),莫能行(道)”,权利之陶醉,人心之怯懦,知-行之间有不可逾越的鸿沟。 只有张无忌机遇巧合修全九阳真经,可惜张无忌被农民和尚摆一道就黯然归隐。
所以知难,行更难。 老子自卖自夸“吾言甚易知,甚易行。” 话刚出口,就马上意识到“靠-海口夸大了”,赶快改口”天下莫能知,莫能行。“ ”知我者希,则我者贵“。 估计关尹喜一脸懵逼。
汉初的“约法三章”,“九章律” 源头始于黄老之术。
史记 孝文本纪
“大道甚夷,而人好径”。 武帝饱暖思淫欲, 废道尊儒,妄设“腹诽之法”,”春秋决狱“; 动摇国本而恶果暂时不显,流毒2000年。 又扯远了。 两千年后...
No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
Bill of Rights were written to be concise, and easily remembered by citizens and laymen. Half of the Bills of Rights protect the citizens through legal due process. Each of these concepts are worthy of expansion. Due Process:
Double Jeopardy:
Self Incrimination, please click away:
Grand Jury is different from Jury Trial. Jury trial is covered by other clauses in Constitution and Amendments.
“despite the original purpose of the Fifth Amendment, most observers now agree that the grand jury has returned to its accusatory roots and is now used as an investigative tool that is much more of a benefit to the prosecutor than to criminal suspects. Grand juries today have broad subpoena power, which enables them to gather an extraordinary amount of evidence in criminal investigations. Suspects often waive the right to grand-jury review of their case; they may prefer to forgo the minimal protection that comes from this review and avoid the potential for a more searching investigation of their conduct.”
斗转星移,不忘初心者几乎? 千秋万代,不忘其本者几乎? 教育目标很单纯, 上善若水,消毒,思源。 儒法皆毒,理论上以毒攻毒,一个急发作,一个慢发作; 实际上神仙打架,凡人遭殃。 不如被褐怀玉,非怀玉也,过滤消毒石也。
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