Wednesday, May 31, 2017

DDJ 77. 天之道,损有余而补不足


"天之道,损有余而补不足", 老子总结历史数据, 现代统计学和信息学,热力学多有印证。
Return to the Mean

“人之道①,则不然,损不足以奉有余。”  人却总是想逆天道而行之: 严刑峻法(秦), 戮杀功臣分封刘姓(汉高),穷兵黩武(汉武),假仁假义(汉武以后), 引狼入室(魏晋唐), 废武崇文(宋)。  江山永固,是梦宜醒。  

孰能有余以奉天下? 唯有道者。 是以圣人为而不恃,功成而不处,其不欲见贤“。 武训传

武训文盲,居然能得“义学病”。  孔子仕途不顺,自建私校。 黑人奴隶们一解放就兴建100多个黑人大学。北美几十万华人大学毕业生,哭天抹泪藤校歧视;北美华人子弟受高校歧视,竟无华人私校无华人大学可以收留教育成才。  自恨求“融入”,也是梦宜醒。   司马迁要是复生,不知道有什么点评。 


Section 1

Section 2

“Passed by Congress on March 3, 1869, and ratified in 1870, the Fifteenth Amendment was the last of the three Reconstruction Amendments. Though the language of the Fifteenth Amendment prohibits all race-based discrimination in qualifications for voting, the Framers were primarily concerned with the enfranchisement of African-Americans. As early as 1866, many of the Republicans were convinced of the need for a constitutional amendment that would require the states to allow African-Americans to vote. Indeed, at one point the Joint Committee on Reconstruction voted to report a version of the Fourteenth Amendment that explicitly embraced the principle of race-blind suffrage. However, many Northerners continued to oppose black suffrage in principle, and fears of a political backlash led the committee to abandon the issue before the proposed amendment came to the floor. By 1869, the situation had changed. Although the outcome of referenda on black suffrage in the North continued to reflect the opposition of critical swing voters, other factors persuaded mainstream Republicans in Congress of the need for a federal constitutional amendment to deal with the issue.”
华人不学法律,不懂法律,就不明天道:可以文“坑”,可以武“坑”。   当苦力被排华法案给驱逐;现在做生意当老板,照样是那个被”损“的。天之道,损有余而补不足。  话说Lexmark上世纪九十年代被IBM spun-out, 带走1000+打印机专利。 2016年3个Billion 卖给中国公司。 一年以后,最高法庭裁决against Lexmark.

危机危机,没有危机感,只有危险。  有危机感,才能有“机会”。没有危机感,则只有自己危险不醒悟,坐看别人利用机会。 所以目不识丁的

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