“善剑者不拔,善抱者不脱”. 老子和司马迁一样,有点史学职业病:他们写什么人,就会代入自身。 这不,武功高手老子出现了。 “善剑者不拔,善抱①者不脱”。 当然有其他版本,如“善建者不拔“,前一句老子是工程师,后一句老子是太极拳宗师,抱向人间都是爱。
说起太极拳,想起MMA KO 太极拳的网络盛事。 MMA的特点就是“好勇斗狠”,丛林无规则。 太极拳以健身为主目标,论“好勇斗狠”武力值恐怕排不上前十。 中国人古代武功,剑术为上; 剑客驰骋于诸侯世家, 秦汉魏晋隋唐,虽屡禁而不止,魏晋南北朝盛唐时更是和道教一样风靡上下,连李白杜甫都搞论剑。 可惜宋朝方针为抑武,杯酒释兵权,以后长期以厚利收买人才削弱世家削弱地方兵力,民间剑术和铸剑术相继失传。秦失其鹿,天下英雄共逐之。 宋失彪悍,草原可汗共亡之。秦与宋同为华夏罪人,各辟捷径创新低。
到了元朝更厉害了,汉人杀蒙古人,大逆不道死翘翘滴! 蒙古人杀汉人,小事一桩罚款了之。 汉人连菜刀都没收,还剑客呢!剑术失传,剑客鞭尸。在这种情况下,只有健身为主毫无威胁力的太极拳得以传承发扬。
到了元朝更厉害了,汉人杀蒙古人,大逆不道死翘翘滴! 蒙古人杀汉人,小事一桩罚款了之。 汉人连菜刀都没收,还剑客呢!剑术失传,剑客鞭尸。在这种情况下,只有健身为主毫无威胁力的太极拳得以传承发扬。
所以太极拳属于元末奴隶主高压统治的幸存孤儿。 道士拎木剑辟邪,很低俗搞笑吧? 那也是盛唐剑舞的遗孤。 请中国人注意收留保存爱惜。 自己孩子拉臭臭都是香的,指望他们扬国威,还不如洗洗睡。 如马云说,MMA太极拳面对原子弹,很快面对机器人都是渣,相煎何太急。
He shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient; he may, on extraordinary Occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in Case of Disagreement between them, with Respect to the Time of Adjournment, he may adjourn them to such Time as he shall think proper; he shall receive Ambassadors and other public Ministers; he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed, and shall Commission all the Officers of the United States.
”Though the clause's antecedents can be traced as far back as the late seventeenth century, its more immediate predecessors were found in the 1776 Pennsylvania Constitution and the 1777 New York Constitution. Both Constitutions granted their respective executives the "executive power" and also required them to execute the laws faithfully. Accordingly, the Pennsylvania and New York state executives understood that it was they, and not others, who were to see that the laws were faithfully executed.“
”The placement of the Commissions Clause is also instructive. Rather than being nestled in the discussion on appointments in Article II, Section 2, the clause is attached with a comma to the Take Care Clause. The two together contemplate that the President will supervise others in their enforcement of the law. Solicitor General James Beck, successfully defending the President's removal power in Myers v. United States (1926), argued that "the commission of every high federal official comes to him not from Congress, which created the office, but from the President." Although the executive power is vested in the President alone, he necessarily exercises this power through government officers, and thus the clause focuses accountability for the execution of the laws in the unitary executive. Beck argued that the President can only "take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed" if he is responsible for (and can remove) the officers who exercise his executive authority.“
“以身观身,以家观家,以乡观乡⑤,以邦观邦,以天下观天下。” 管中窥豹,妄自generalize,跨越巨大尺度而不小心求证;反而自以为是千秋万代的真理,甚至凶残迫害持不同意见者。 这叫做人的天性有时候是人的恶性。 道德经和宪法有幸免俗, 可惜大多数华人,即使生活在美国的华人,也没有听说过道德经和宪法。
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