Wednesday, April 19, 2017

DDJ 35. 乐与饵,Direct Taxation


"乐与饵,过客止"。也就是智商税。 劣币驱逐良币,90%营销行为都是100%谎言。 “道之出口,淡乎其无味,视之不足见”。 无色无味无形无修饰,人本,人之本。  道是科学逻辑系统,适用于鉴别真假,预测吉凶,保护自由思想,维系公共安全。 

The US Constitution Article I.Section 9.4: No Capitation, or other direct, Tax shall be laid, unless in Proportion to the Census or Enumeration herein before directed to be taken.7

The intent of this clause is to limit direct taxation (as opposed to indirect taxation on goods like the tea tax, ironically) by the government, thought to engender and enable tyranny.   The only problem is, even at the time of Constitution Convention, it seemed unclear what "direct taxation" meant.   So the later part of this clause was repealed by Amendment XVI.

"These taxes (indirect taxation)were considered safe because, regardless of who collected them, the burden was thought to be shifted to consumers. If Congress became greedy and raised rates too high, fewer taxed goods would be purchased and revenue would decrease. It was thus in the "nature of the thing," wrote Alexander Hamilton in The Federalist No. 21, that further constitutional protection against congressional overreaching was unnecessary."

智商税”大概应该算safe indirect tax.  道教教育的意义就是省税。可惜这个教育已经快绝迹了。中国道教学院

教育的目的是什么? 好的教育是什么? 当社区在死亡,思想不传承,人将何去何从?

The Supreme Court (with Justice Neil Gorsuch) deliberating on State Denying Public Funding towards Church:

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