Friday, April 21, 2017

DDJ 37. 无名之朴,偏心父母

老子的理想是"自均","自化","自定"。 方法是无为而无不为。 镇之以无名之朴,夫将不欲,天下将自定。
"No Preference shall be given by any Regulation of Commerce or Revenue to the Ports of one State over those of another; nor shall Vessels bound to, or from, one State, be obliged to enter, clear, or pay Duties in another."
ARTICLE I, SECTION 9, CLAUSE 6!/articles/1/essays/66/port-preference-clause

"Like the Uniformity Clause, with which it was initially joined at the Constitutional Convention, and the Export Taxation Clause, the Port Preference Clause was meant to interfere with the natural tendency of legislatures to become instruments through which powerful commercial interests injure their politically weaker rivals."

Federalists and Anti-Federalists掐架,各个州互相掐架,在掐架中,孩子们都大了。家业铺开, 欲望也大了。  

Juicero is as useless as Theranos, and other Silicon Valley cons.  无名之朴, 说起来容易。

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