天地不仁,以万物为刍狗①;圣人不仁,以百姓为刍狗。天地之间,其犹橐龠乎②?虚而不屈③,动而俞出④。多闻数穷⑤,不若守于中⑥。 http://www.daodejing.org/5.html
道德经本身有很强的理性实用主义,偏偏却开辟了古中国的诗歌文化。道家与道教传业,特别注意发展真性情。 庄子屈原陶渊明李白王羲之谢安葛洪司马迁,都得以选择开辟自己的道路,或者浪漫,或者诙谐,或者博学,或者理性,或者文采,或者数学,或者武功,或者史学,或者人情练达, 或者隐居山林。六艺九流,无不出于道。 所以百家之宗。
道教说“慈”,但是不说仁。 仁是儒教的切口:“天地对万物像父母一样仁,皇帝对百姓像父母一般仁”。 老子直接说: 天地对万物不仁,圣人对百姓不仁。 因为天地,统治者假“儿女”太多了,再宣扬“仁”的概念,假儿女们要嫉妒而内斗了。
道教说“慈”,但是不说仁。 仁是儒教的切口:“天地对万物像父母一样仁,皇帝对百姓像父母一般仁”。 老子直接说: 天地对万物不仁,圣人对百姓不仁。 因为天地,统治者假“儿女”太多了,再宣扬“仁”的概念,假儿女们要嫉妒而内斗了。
US Constitution Article I. Section 2.3: Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons.2 The actualEnumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct. The Number of Representatives shall not exceed onefor every thirty Thousand, but each State shall have at Least one Representative; and until such enumeration shall be made, the State of New Hampshire shall be entitled to chuse three, Massachusetts eight, Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations one, Connecticut five, New-York six, New Jersey four, Pennsylvania eight, Delaware one, Maryland six, Virginia ten, North Carolinafive, South Carolina five, and Georgia three. http://constitutionus.com/
这段话大部分已obsolete. "Note 2: The part of Article 1 Section 2 Clause 3 relating to the mode of apportionment of representatives among the several States has been affected by Amendment XIV Section 2, and as to taxes on incomes without apportionment by Amendment XVI. " But at the original time of writing, they were results of intense bargaining and compromise.
道德经 unlike the US Constitution, did not have an amendment mechanism. But I'd like to think of 道德经 as a result of at least two people debating and dialog.
这一段是儒和道最大同,也是不同。 “不若守中“跟孔子“去其两端,取其中而用之” 差不多。 在美国两党各据左右,在古代的中国,儒和道同源,互“拙”互“辩”,互相牵制,长期合作。 http://ctext.org/shiji/lao-zi-han-fei-lie-zhuan/zh
(关于amazon开卖 “Save a dog eat a Chinese” tshirt)
我们可以愤慨,但是不应该止步于愤慨。非常同意@yao 李市长说得对,其实华人经常背后被流传“华人吃狗肉””华人卑劣无信仰“,这个只是公然商业性的污蔑抹黑而已。我们应该brainstorm以后我们应该怎样有效地团结,还击这种侮辱性言论。我们的小孩也应该知道怎样团结,怎样还击。”笑笑走开“,恐怕不是好办法。
@吕洋Leon 问有没有回嘴的format, 我比较拙于言,斗嘴必输 冰冻三尺非一日之寒。针对华人的语言暴力,侮辱,污蔑也不是最近开始。要成功反击这种仇华舆论 ,可能需要整个社区的长期努力。 1)培养荣誉感 (we feel responsible for defending the honor, image and good name of our community) 2)peacemaker mentality, i.e., we feel responsible for making peace within our community; 3)建立信任宽容的环境, i.e., we feel responsible for building trust within our community first; 4)evangelist mentality, i.e. we feel responsible for doing all of 1,2,3) outside our community; 5)教育华人社区,了解主流社区的taboo, 坑。我的浅见。谢谢你们的鼓励!
我们道教好像百艺皆涉猎,但是自古不善于斗嘴。 斗嘴只有真心得靠儒教和律师。 信言不美,美言不信。
灰姑娘 @MD 古人的智慧還是真的有道理。氣氛不佳時,惡言一出就很難收回這種容忍的涵養也是長期的培養。有時覺看成是一種容忍還不如就當成一個超越,一笑了之
道教缺乏evangelist mentality。 但是我们既然在北美,我们的道教就只好添加一些evangelism. 叫做入乡随俗
谢谢灰姑娘。我搞错了一点。不是吕洋问题,是@黎颖 问题。@逸安ོ 给的回答就可以做很好的范本。谢谢!
能言善辩之人可以主打融合,去为华人社区辩护,如文化“大使”。 我这种木纳笨人,还是做社区的支持工作吧。华人这个社区:1)荣誉感 2)peacemakers 3)信任宽容 三样指标都起点低一些,所以特别需要诸位加入共同努力。
很多城市和欧洲小国都有“Citizen Ambassador”培训, 也是一种evangelism training。海外华人代表华人社区华人文化宗教,应该有自己的教程。 http://whnt.com/2015/11/16/florence-begins-training-for-citizen-ambassadors/
”坑“客观存在。主流不主流,都得面对坑的存在。有道就有坑。 掉不掉坑,这和公民素质,社区能量有关系。任何少数民族善于教育公民素质,规避“坑”风险,就能够更多凝聚力。 任何少数民族,互相不教育不提醒不帮忙,就睁着眼睛往坑里跳。 "A strong social network at work also will act as a safeguard against someone making a move against you without your knowledge. When you have friends throughout an organization, they’ll alert you to what other co-workers really think about you, " https://melmagazine.com/you-have-a-nemesis-at-work-and-its-not-who-you-think-it-is-edd1dbd5b5a#.kcpy8jbqu
Of Emoluments, Benjamin Franklin, Romans, Donald Trump and the Constitution. http://www.npr.org/sections/money/2017/03/10/519704015/episode-758-can-trump-take-the-money
今天早晨的SCOTUS nomination hearing. My take aways. 1) Even when a judge are nominated for SCOTUS, they still have to be trained and coached to answer certain questions. 2) Certain questions make minefields. Know these questions and learn to avoid them in public and don't ask unfamiliar people. 3) Know the difference between friendly questions, softball questions and adversarial questions 4) Look for signs of religion, be sensitive and respectful, avoid the ancient minefield. Hobby Lobby, Roe vs Wade, all are religion related. http://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/follow-neil-gorsuch-confirmation-hearing-live-n735561
NPR also carried a story about a criminal and possibly civil case brought for "weaponized twits" to cyber-harass an epileptic journalist. This case is related to our bullying focus, also it sheds light on how the cyber-stalking perpetuators are tracked down even when they take care. http://www.wbur.org/hereandnow/2017/03/21/kurt-eichenwald-twitter-seizure
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