Thursday, April 27, 2017

DDJ 43. 不言之教, 无为之益


Christians to Christ, Daoists to Dao. 不言之教,愚人之心,无为之益。

Constitution Article II. Section1.2: Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector.!/articles/2/essays/79/presidential-electors

“This method permitted the smaller states to have a somewhat greater proportionate share in the choosing of the President, though not as large an advantage as they had in the Senate. The Framers not only rejected the direct popular election of the President, but also left it to the state legislatures to determine how the states' electors were to be appointed.

This language in fact paralleled the provisions for state legislative appointment of congressional delegates in the Articles of Confederation, and of U.S. Senators under Article I of the Constitution. With political parties widely disdained, this process was designed to pick not the candidate from the most popular political faction, but the wisest and most virtuous leader. The Framers rejected direct popular election of the President (and of Senators), both because they believed that the populace would be ill-informed about national figures and because the Framers wanted to avoid interfering with state authority and underweighing small states.”

Any game will be gamed. All consequences are unexpected.   Once upon a time, "parties" were disdained, now "parties" are duopolies.   Some things are forever.  Other things bounces back and forth.

What if the Constitution actually forbids the existence of "parties"?  How would this  work?

矫枉过正,永恒的痛。最近常看宋朝刷屏:GDP怎么怎么高,文人怎么怎么言论自由,科学怎么怎么发达。  宋朝不可谓不肥美,不自由,可惜万邦来抢,只好见贼就舔。 宋朝的道教越来越与佛教儒教混淆不清,失去真实纯正史家本色。

 宋太宗打破皇帝不看起居注的习惯,亲自关怀修史。 大宋三百年GDP都是替强盗创造的,自由言论都是大屠杀前的最后一句话,科学都用来给自己挖坑掘墓的。

我有个怀疑:男娃千万表读宋词。宋词和宋以后的国史,添堵伤身。 宋以后的阳光少年只能是郭靖张无忌韦小宝这种半文盲。 不言之教,愚人之心,无为之益。 大丈夫扎根于社区,热衷科举是个什么鬼。

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