MD: 儒教,可以军事天才给”投“没。 可以把科学天才给“投”没。 可以把汉族给“卖”没。 小鸡肚肠,却自以为千秋圣贤。
汉初道家教育,让汉人大概率地井喷牛人。 外戚平民贵族都非常牛。 连(传统中据说胸大无脑)美女的弟弟侄子都出一群军事天才,政治天才。吕氏,竇氏,卫氏,霍氏。 这是道家的力量。这是华夏真正的正常。
儒家一独尊,军事天才政治天才史学科学渐渐全绝种了。只剩下群魔乱舞,歌功颂德。葬送道家基业,卖国害人2000年。 儒家自以为正统。沐猴而冠,厚颜无耻。
道家美女胸大无脑,都可以一拉出一家族牛人。 儒家想出来的办法,就是给美女裹脚,抛弃凉州燕云,抛弃中原,大帽子推责给道家,边疆将士,外戚,异己,外族,小皇帝。 良心不会痛吗?
L: 后宫专宠绝对不可能胸大无脑,应该是才智也很出众的。儒教要求女子无才,严重压制了后代的智商,造成精英阶层基因退化,汉族越来越衰退
MD: 道家美女的才智不是儒家裹脚的才智。汉武帝自己的智商就有限。 以为美女卫子夫的弟弟打仗厉害,于是美女李夫人的弟弟打仗也厉害。 看这种蠢逻辑,不愧为儒家独尊的作手。
MD: 好吧。 儒家害了美女,害了美女全家,害了汉人全族,害了华夏,2000年。
MD: 道家美女的才智不是儒家裹脚的才智。汉武帝自己的智商就有限。 以为美女卫子夫的弟弟打仗厉害,于是美女李夫人的弟弟打仗也厉害。 看这种蠢逻辑,不愧为儒家独尊的作手。
MD: 好吧。 儒家害了美女,害了美女全家,害了汉人全族,害了华夏,2000年。
L: 儒教最大的问题就是以道德为核心,脱离实际和客观规律,以这种思想来治国,军事外交经济怎么可能不一塌糊涂
MD: 又傲慢又偏见。。。道德为核心,其实就是口号为核心。 宁屈服于大波,不屈服于儒生。《道德经》说儒家:“失道而后德,失德而后仁,失仁而后义,失义而后礼”。
MD: 又傲慢又偏见。。。道德为核心,其实就是口号为核心。 宁屈服于大波,不屈服于儒生。《道德经》说儒家:“失道而后德,失德而后仁,失仁而后义,失义而后礼”。
其实系统学也这么说: Fixes that Fail (英语解释引在最后)
Fixes that Fail 重复100遍,华夏还幸存吗? ”心甘情愿“连哄带逼,被儒家做成僵尸重复同一个系统崩塌。病儒之祸,有始有终,竟然无人鸣警吗?
儒法轮流用或者同时用,虽然可以稳定,但是毒性很强。 两汉,明清,都是这个手法。但是愚民,诚信被摧毁,完全不能适应现代世界,华人其实是少数,甚至以后会是少少数,一切自欺欺人,后果都是亡国灭种。
回归道,不偏离是可以做到的。 《美国宪法》其实就是很实用,而且稳定性很强的系统。华人在美国一定要学《道德经》《美国宪法》。
***** From ******
Have you noticed how often your intentions go awry? You set out to fix a problem and shortly thereafter you find yourself fixing the same problem again, and again. This is most often the result of a fixes that fail structure, or a more intricate variation on the same theme.
A fixes that fail structure consists of a balancing loop which is intended to achieve a particular result, yet the result is foiled by an insidious reinforcing loop. These two loops interact in such a way that the desired result initially produced by the balancing loop is, after some delay, negated by the actions of the reinforcing loop.
The internal balancing loop operates in the standard balancing loop fashion. The action that adds to the migration of the current state toward the desired state also influences, after some delay, some unexpected consequences. These unexpected consequences subsequently impede the migration of the current state in the intended direction.
What makes this structure so annoying is that the time delay associated with the unexpected consequences may be such that it is most difficult to really see what's happening. The fact that it is a reinforcing loop means that its impact may initially be small and only grows to be noticed over time. You fix a problem and think things are fine, then days, weeks, or even months later the same problem is back again. And, with the hectic nature of organizations, who can remember what happened months ago.
Effective Strategies
The most effective strategy for dealing with this structure is advance planning. Since you can never do just one thing, as everything affects everything else, before taking action to change the current state, think about what else that action is apt to affect. And, what affect with the affect will have. Sometimes the unexpected consequences may be several affects away, so don't stop at just one. Essentially what one seeks to do is identify the unexpected, which means it's no longer unexpected then is it.
A less effective strategy would be to figure out how to disconnect the unexpected consequence from influencing the current state in time. Of course then it wouldn't be a consequence would it.
Areas of Concern
A fixes that fail structure is often part of a more elaborate structure in which the fixes that fail structure simply represents dealing with the symptoms rather than the underlying real problem. For additional insights into this situation see: Shifting the Burden.A fixes that fail structure often results in becoming dependent on the fix, thus applying it over and over. For additional information into this situation see: Addiction.
A fixes that fail structure may also be part of a larger structure wherein cooperative influences are unintentionally responsible for creating problems for each other. For additional insights into this situation see: Accidental Adversaries.
Simulation Examples
Tax Revenue Pressure
Road Congestion
Quest for Water
Perpetuating Poverty
Simulation Examples
Tax Revenue Pressure
Road Congestion
Quest for Water
Perpetuating Poverty
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