古代的宗教都有一个信与不信,善与不善,身份高低的问题,就是不可随便重复。 某人祭祀,得到神的青睐,所以他战无不胜攻无不克。 旁边的人一丝不苟重复他做的祭祀,被神遗弃,身败名裂。 为什么? 不可重复。
《道德经》的认知独特,就在于“可以复制”。 这就是科学方法一大部分。
DDJ 23. 飘风不终朝,骤雨不终日
第二十三章 [原文]希言自然①。故飘风②不终朝,骤雨③不终日,孰为此者?天地。天地尚不能久,而况于人乎?故从事于道者同于道④;德者同于德;失者同于失⑤。同于道者,道亦乐得之;同于德者,德亦乐得之;同于失者,失亦乐得之。信不足焉,有不信焉!
Amazon plans to build second, ‘equal’ headquarters outside Seattle。 I'm guessing in Austin Texas, or near Washington DC . Any other guesses? There's a lot more going on than the surface announcement. 说不定是大姐夫对西雅图市政府横征暴敛税收有过敏? http://www.seattletimes.com/business/amazon/amazon-plans-to-build-second-equal-headquarters-outside-seattle/
The public search for a new headquarters will likely spark a bidding war among states and cities eager for a piece of one of America’s fastest-growing companies.
An eight-page request for proposal Amazon posted online Thursday said incentives offered to offset building and operating costs “will be significant factors in the decision-making process.”
“The company listed other criteria on its wish list, including an urban or suburban core in a metropolitan area with more than 1 million people, a highly educated workforce and a “stable and business-friendly environment.””
Californian cities will clearly want to have Amazon. However, I suspect not.
These 12 races will be key to who controls the Senate after the 2018 midterms
Hillary Clinton's new book tour this fall on 2016 campaign:
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