Wednesday, September 20, 2017


Russian who saved the man from nuclear amageddon passed away earlier this year:
Perhaps importantly, Petrov noted that he was the only officer around that day who had received a civilian education. Everyone else were professional soldiers and he believed that they would have simply reported the attack at face value. The men around him were “taught to give and obey orders.” Luckily, Petrov disobeyed what simply didn’t feel right to him.

Petrov reasoned that if the Americans were going to launch a first strike they’d send more than five missiles, despite the fact that they could still do an enormous amount of damage. He also believed that since the alert system was relatively new it seemed likely that it could be sending a false alarm.

道教汉晋时代,衣冠南渡往南方移民的时候,差不多煮水喝煮茶喝成为公共卫生(饮水卫生)的基础。没有这些净化消毒水的方法,华夏文化大城市很难发展出来。 大家都像中世纪伦敦一样瘟疫横行。 我们Civics Drama课的小盆友现在还发现,五月花的英国人男女老少都靠喝啤酒消毒水。 后来英国人也学会喝茶,才得以殖民各大洲,而不是拉稀各大洲。  美国独立的时候,把英国茶叶给抵制了,才开始咖啡文化。 所以现在中国应该多保存,出口茶文化,道文化。   所以这个“茶”-“认同”问题,贯穿了几层历史: 实用-精神-历史-文化。

英国人能够18-19世纪搞出日不落帝国,喝茶保证不拉稀,不醉酒。 而且啤酒用量不好搬运,他们没法携带。 茶只需要一点点。 就地取水,就地取燃料。 很快消毒。 不需要一桶一桶的啤酒背着。早期英国人从中国买茶叶,  后来发展印度的茶叶种植场。  茶叶经济和白银经济和鸦片经济,成为市场硬通货。 联系中英的鸦片战争。茶叶经济是算是最健康,最不缺德的。  华人小孩中学生就该学习各种缺德的经济了,特别是避免成为缺德经济的牺牲。

美国独立战争前后100年,几种流量比较大的通货中(茶叶,咖啡,鸦片,奴隶,白银),改变了美国,中国,世界的历史的轨迹。 茶叶最不缺德,也最倒霉的躺枪。 “以道莅天下,其鬼不神。非其鬼不神,其神不伤人;非其神不伤人,圣人亦不伤人。夫两不相伤,故德交归焉“ 。 学经济,就要认识”伤人“的经济,也要学”不伤人“的经济。 精神的建设,就要认识”伤人“的神学,也要学”不伤人“的“道”。 有所比较,才能有所认识。

*******************  Event Announcement ****************
好消息!华人互助联合会WACCC正式成立!!现任董事会成员有李伟(Winston Lee),曹霄鹤(Lani Cao),施贤松(Sean Shi),以及曾在King County Election Office任公职7年的Qi Hong。下面是他们的介绍:

像所有美国华人一样,西雅图华人有着我们华人勤劳内敛的优良品德,西雅图华人是美国建设的重要贡献者,同时也是美国排华法案的直接见证者和受害者,今天的西雅图华人无论从市区的中国城,还是到湖东的科技区,还是新来的投资移民,都有着耀眼的业绩。我们过去几十年在经济贸易科技教育乃至政治,社会公共事物等领域取得了很大的进步,由于地缘政治的优势,我们西雅图华人群体在多个方面走在了美国华人的前面。但是我们还有一些共同关注的议题,比如文化融入,信息沟通,参政议政,资源整合,公民权利,公民义务,社区建设,紧急救护的方面还有很多的工作要做。多年来西雅图的优秀华人为此作出了很多努力和贡献。全国各地的华人组织也为此积极沟通联合,互相协助,特别在公民教育和公民领袖培养方面的投入巨大。在这种形势下,西雅图华人社区早年留学生出身的一群有志之士利用各自的专业优势,兴趣爱好,以社区为己任,根据过去在社会活动中积累的经验,成立了一个以服务华人社区为核心的非党派非盈利组织 - 华人互助联合会(Washington State Chinese Community Coalition),整合华人社区资源,联合华人优秀人才,互相帮助,互相合作,互相服务,发扬华人优良传统,融入主流社会,参政议政,提高华人生活质量,提升华人生活地位,共同建设一个安全,有效,强大的华人社区。 

请关注WACCC本周末的活动 Saturday 9/23  9:30-3PM:


****************  End Event Announcement ************

After hurricane Harvey,  parents need to watch out for Public health problems.
Interactive book on economics:  What happens to economy when all banks shut down?  and other international oddball accidents that illuminates basic principles.

AI Gaydar to Name Prism and other AI tool that may trigger Ethics problems:

1/4 economics, 1/4 of politics, 1/4 rhetoric, 1/4 city regulation/laws, a must read for housing investors and community activists.

How likely are members of Congress voting with Trump?

Interactive Supreme Court Video Activity, you could click Constitutional or UnConstitutional: Miranda v. Arizona

Interactive Video Activity: National Federation of Independent Business v. Kathleen Sebelius - Obamacare

Interactive Supreme Court Video Activity: Bakke v. Regents of the University of California- Affirmative Action

Brown v. Board of Education Video | Homework Help from the Bill of Rights Institute


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