Saturday, June 24, 2017


现在爱心大使成了演员搔首弄姿,绑架道德,表演跪舔,引狼入室的头衔。 商女不知亡国恨,隔江犹唱后庭花。 不妨看看历史上大使的阵容。

Act I.  战国唐雎初为信陵君门客,教育信陵君“人之憎我也,不可不知也;吾憎人也,不可得而知也。人之有德于我也,不可忘也;吾有德于人也,不可不忘也。”  : 

后来信陵君已逝,魏国亡国, 这个时候唐雎至少七老八十了,为五十里安陵国出使秦国。 

Act II.  During the American Revolutionary War, 快七十岁的Ben Franklin sailed to France to become American Ambassador.   His ambassadorship was instrumental in securing French alliance and aid to the Revolutionaries and in the ultimate Independence of America.

Act III.  1937年,胡适在美国巡回讲演,为日本铁蹄下的中国奔走呼吁。 As Ambassador from 1938, Hu cultivated a mutual understanding and respect with the United States long before Pearl Harbor.    1941年,美国考虑与日本妥协“modus vivendi” without restraining Japan's military activity in China.  胡适, the Chinese Ambassador in USA, "lost his temper" for the first time in his mission in America.   10天以后,珍珠港被袭击,美国加入二战。  夫华夏,受地于先哲而守之; 之怒, 胡适是也。 

On 26 November Hu met with President Roosevelt, where for the first time in his diplomatic career, lost his temper and objected to the concessions given to the Japanese by the terms of the proposed modus vivendi.27 Described in Life Magazine in 1941 as the “greatest triumph of his career,” Hu was crucial in convincing the American government to abandon the modus vivendi.28 The modus vivendi was eventually discarded because of Chinese “objections, arguments and pleas,” the lack of enthusiasm amongst the other diplomatic representatives and what Hull described as only ‘one chance in three that they [the Japanese] would accept.’29 On the same day, Hull wrote the president recommending that the modus vivendi be withheld. Roosevelt approved the recommendation and instead Hull submitted the Ten Point Note to the Japanese Ambassador Nomura. The Ten Point Note demanded complete Japanese withdrawal from China and Indochina, Japanese abandonment of the puppet Nanking regime and recognition of Chiang Kai-shek’s National Government as the government of the Republic of China.30 The Japanese rejected these terms and on 7 December 1941, Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. The United States finally entered the war.
胡适抗战时几次在美国的演讲.  "美国对中国的援助多少是胡适先生当年在美国所产生的影响是有一定的关系的。这从胡适先生在美国任大使时作过的几次公开演讲中不难看出来。胡适的爱国之情简直溢于言表。甚至不惜把中国说成是一个类似于美国的民主社会,说日本侵略中国就是专制文化对中国的民主文化的侵略。其实胡适在国内整理国故时,对中国传统文化一直是持批判的态度的。但是在抗战时期,面对美国人,胡适把中国的传统文化吹得天花乱坠。为什么要这样?就是因为想搏得美国人对中国的好感,增强美国对中国的了解,从而获得美国人的支持。"    其实胡适并不是无中生有地吹牛。 中国确实有真实古老的道教民主传统,只是蒙尘久矣,有待复兴。
********  总结 ********
唐雎,富兰克林与胡适:  此三人,老弱书生,然而扶弱抗强,真国士不辱使命。  

我们曾经都是难民。要是我们忘记历史,我们将如难民十字路口一般,每几百年亡国灭种,如西晋西罗马,目睹美好的文明灰飞烟灭,给更残酷的外来难民腾位置。 历数世界文明的古老摇篮,多少语言多少文化多少宗教,已经尸骨无存。   夫华夏美国, 得道而守之。 虽同情泛滥,不易其道。  

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