道德经为百家之源,但是汉武帝以后,儒家控制基础教育,控制官僚培训;道德经被长期忽视,不算经典,只算”子“,与诸子百家的韩非子庄子列子并列。直到1000年后的唐朝,道教2.0 鼎盛,道德经成为学子启蒙教材。唐诗,唐”古文“,背后是中国最大规模历时最久的第一次文艺复兴运动。
华人在19世纪被排华法案驱逐,不是因为他们太懒惰,而是因为他们太勤劳; 不是因为他们太勤劳地建立社区,而是因为他们的心态还是满清奴隶的心态; 心态还是奴隶,就不懂美国的社区组织,与美国废奴自助的社区理念格格不入。美国人刚打下一次废奴战争,死了几十万,牢记教训。 满清奴隶再好也不要, 反正满清奴隶主皇帝无所谓;修完铁路,美国人翻脸排华。华人要引以为戒。
在美国,任何形态的文艺复兴都有机会。 社区基础,星星之火。
How to start your own university?
Section 1
Section 2
Southern states enacted poll taxes of one or two dollars per year between 1889 and 1966 as a prerequisite to voting. A citizen paid the tax when registering and then annually thereafter; some laws required payment up to nine months before an election. Furthermore, many states had a cumulative feature that required an individual to pay all previous years' poll taxes before he could vote in the instant year.
Prior to the enactment of poll taxes, property ownership was frequently a prerequisite to voting. States instituted the poll tax early in the nineteenth century as a device to grant voting rights to individuals who did not own real property. Although most states had dispensed with both property qualifications and the poll tax by the time of the Civil War, the tax resurfaced in the South to dilute the effect of race-neutral voting provisions required in Southern states' constitutions as a condition for readmission to the Union following the Civil War.
The most recent amendments were generally two categories:
A) voting rights and removal of voting barrier for some groups (women-XIX, blacks in Southern states-XXIV, younger adults 18-20 year olds who were conscripted to fight the Vietnam War yet received no voting rights-XVI)
B) procedural. (the rest)
Please research them online. Sometimes Supreme Court hand down extremely influential decisions that seemed to almost bypass the Constitutional Amendment and law making process.
What make us humans? What make us Americans? What make our heritage? What make us a community? What makes us a nation? What gives us freedom?
We live in an age of reexamination of all the concepts, set out by Tao Te Ching and set out by the Constitution.
前不见古人,后不见来者。 念天地之悠悠, 独怆然而涕下。- 陈子昂
《道德经》《美国宪法》并读完。 -北美道教3.0
微信上盆友就”排华法案“问:“这不是劣币驱逐良币吗? 劣币驱逐良币,能说是制度不行吗?道长有没有比较过各种制度的未来?“
良币和劣币,取决于文化定义。 满清定义的“良民“要是不善于团结,不善于适应,不善于建设社区,不知法制,按照美国文化定义,不算“良民”。 美国政治文化和满清政治文化,格格不入。 美国文化和1000年前2000年前的道教文化,异曲而同工。 所以我怀疑,冥冥中有天意。希腊古典文艺复兴,不在希腊。 道教文艺复兴,也不一定在中国。
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