Tuesday, January 9, 2018


《道德经》翻译者: 吴经熊


其实《道德经》并不比《论语》更晦涩。 却比后者更简,美,广,实用,自洽。 《道德经》被某家教育垄断所无视,大概是某家自知其山寨鱼目本质,不见容他山珠玉。


*************叮铃铛!叮铃铛! 设想出炉了!  ************

我要发明一个美国道士择校rule of thumb(我不喜欢中文翻译。 勉强叫它设想吧 ): 好的初中高中,必然有mock trial club。 没有mock trial club的,不是好学校。 不去mock trial club的华人孩子,即使进了藤校,也浪费了大好机会。

欢迎批评。 欢迎证伪。 欢迎反例。欢迎完整转载。 感谢小大师组织资料信息。

Valuable lessons

Mock trials present a "hands-on" learning experience which can enhance classroom lessons, youth groups, and extra-curricular activities. Research has shown that students who are involved in effective, law-related education programs show greater interest in their studies, more respect for their teachers, and a better understanding of their rights and responsibilities. In addition, students will learn:
Critical thinking and analysis
Oral advocacy
Planning and preparation
Understanding of complex, sometimes controversial, issues and ideas
Real-world skills

Interaction with local judges and practicing lawyers can give students a more positive, understanding attitude toward these professions. At the same time, community networks are strengthened between educational and legal professionals as they work together in teaching students and in conducting mock trial competitions. Participants are taught valuable real-world skills in:
Courtroom procedures
Legal mechanics
Dispute resolution

Finally, a mock trial experience can help students prepare for the realities of everyday life. Lessons learned in a mock trial experience will apply to real-life adult roles as a litigant, witness, or juror.

Teach With TVW: The Washington State Constitution


Winner 常常是Seattle Prep, a private Catholic Jesuit school.   天主教和犹太教平分最高法庭法官,这是靠前辈耕耘。 华人不耕耘,或者耕耘不用适合当地的品种,很容易颗粒无收。

华人的律师少, 因此lobbyists更少; 华人社区调节人也少,内斗频繁。 所以人见人辱。 要是美国有+5000 道教律师,50000道士调解社区纠纷。那么华人也可以自保自爱自尊。 中美关系也就自然好了。

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