Thursday, November 23, 2017

富兰克林(IV): 行有行规



我还说过美国宪法有5个思想源流。1)原始基督教 2)宗教改革以后的新教 3)英国的君主立宪议会自治法制系统 4)文艺复兴的古典历史哲学 5)启蒙运动。 4)5)是反基督教的。3)独立于基督教。

其实还有第6个思想源流。就是行业规范。我们再可以从Ben Franklin的生平,看美国殖民地历史中行业guild的影响。Ben Franklin少年时期是个叛逆的学徒。但是成年以后,有了媒体创业经验,1731年左右,富兰克林加入了行会Masonic Lodge, 很快升任。

行会有行规。 That same year(1731年), he edited and published the first Masonic book in the Americas, a reprint of James Anderson's Constitutions of the Free-Masons. Franklin remained a Freemason for the rest of his life,而且Masonic membership是早期美国领袖培养的大网,为美国独立得到法国的军事援助,立下汗马功劳。 独立战争期间, Masons of note included George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, Benjamin Franklin, Samuel Adams, Richard Henry Lee, John Hancock, and James Madison. 富兰克林是美国国父的父亲辈。

Still more amazing in these days of lengthy years of service before a brother receives any recognition in Grand Lodge, is his appointment as Junior Warden of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania on St. John the Baptist’s Day, June 24, 1732.  No attempt will here be made to go into those matters of Masonic historical controversy at issue between brethren in Pennsylvania and Massachusetts. No opinion is here expressed as to whether that Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania was or was not a “duly constituted body.”  Here the title is used as it was by Franklin.  Even those who believe that this Grand Lodge was not “really” a Grand Lodge but only St John’s Lodge working as a Grand Lodge, are glad to know that Franklin became its Grand Master in 1734.
The first or Mother Grand Lodge was formed in London in 1717.  Six years after “Anderson’s Constitutions” was first published.  The second edition did not appear until 1738, and by 1734, the edition of 1723 was long exhausted.  This was an opportunity - who better might print the “Constitutions” for American Masons than the Grand Master?  The “Pennsylvania Gazette, from May 9 to 16, 1734, carried the following advertisement: 
“THE CONSTITUTIONS OF THE FREEMASON;  Containing the History, Charges, Regulations, etc., of that most ancient and Right Worshipful Fraternity, London Printed, Reprinted, by B. Franklin, in the year of Masonry 5734.  Price Stitch’d 2s6, bound 4s.” The book was delayed; perhaps even Franklin’s press was subject to the slowness which modern authors sometimes find in printing houses!  It was not until August that the “Masons’ Book” was ready; then seventy copies were sent to Boston, others to Charleston, and still later, more to Boston.  Some fifteen copies of the Masonic rarity are still cherished in Masonic Libraries.
美国独立运动有行规。  到今天,已经行行有行规。 蓝领工人有行规。 警察有行规。 工程师有行规。 数据科学有行规(insider trading, 数据安全,隐私安全)。律师行业有行规(attorney client priviledge)。 连医生也有行规(不“伤人”,隐私,同时医闹事件很难求到当地的医生同事做证)。 新闻工作有行规(fact verification, 隐私泄露,等等)。 有的是法律保护的,有的是默认的。 华人移民入行,但是有时候没有人告诉行规,也没有人告诉他们违反行规有什么后果。所以踩坑结果被严惩。参照19世纪华工被工贼排华。

Uber's ransom payment to hackers, liability, other oldies "is the HR really my friend?".   HR也有行规。
津巴布韦: 连”独裁者“也有行规

The famous epitaph he wrote for himself so slightly conceals the Masonic theme of immortality as told in our Legend that all may read who run:
The body of
B. Franklin, Printer
(Like the cover of an old book
Its contents torn out
And stripped of its Lettering and Guilding)
Lies here, Food for the Worms.
But the Work shall not be wholly lost;
For it will, (as he believed) appear once more,
In a new and more perfect Edition,
Corrected and Amended
By the Author.

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