Monday, October 2, 2017

Grit and Grow up: 拉斯维加斯枪击案

华人普遍有一种天真善良之心,只要(If only)不被人利用导致不可逆的终极后果,应该算华人的“优点”。 只要(If only)...

@Haz 公民课上有很多好游戏,其实很多游戏可以重复玩.   现在父母想要教育小孩有"Grit"。  Grit 其实不光是个人重视的“坚持”,很大程度上其实是社区团结(团队)的“坚持”解决问题。 因为个人的Grit非常有限。   "Grit"是个人成功的重要因素,团队的"Grit"更是社区生存的必须因素。

一个社区缺乏"Grit", 即使没有外界威胁,内部摩擦就足够导致社区分崩瓦解。 有了外界威胁,特别是迅速出现的灾难,这个社区更是没有希望. 

所以Salem witchhunt是每一个华裔都必须深层理解的基本课。

RIP for Las Vegas Shooting.   Real world is tragic, chaotic and full of unexpected emergencies.    美国的华人要有应急训练。美国的华人社区应该有封闭社区。

 ‘Jason Aldean was playing and it just kind of sounded like some fireworks going off, and then I think there was the first kind of volley and then the second volley, and my buddy says ‘I got hit.’ … He got hit three times and people started diving to the ground. It was pretty much chaotic. Lots of people got hit.’ ”
Young told MSNBC his daughter said the weapon “sounded like a machine gun” and that she and her friends took cover under a desk.”

Equifax利用私人信息狂赚,却不做安全措施,终于泄露一亿美国人的私人信息。现在Equifax公关,隐隐矛头指向中国(万事怪中国)。 华人要小心这种下流公司媒体,他们肆无忌惮地丑化仇恨抹黑华人。   为什么? 因为我们华人被无辜指责,华人社区沉默。  仇恨的种子一旦播下,华人社区会收获什么?

我也很想永远当cry baby.  但是我和我的社区都需要Grow up,look beyond and get Grit。  

***********More Tech News: Uber, Airbnb and Amazon ***************

From Uber:  Kalanick was prompted to make the appointments (with backings of ) this week, however, when he learned about a proposal by the company's leadership and Goldman Sachs (GS), an Uber adviser.

Here's what the measure includes, according to two sources close to the situation:

--It would revamp rules in a way that would eliminate special voting powers previously granted to some of Uber's early investors. The move would shift a great deal of voting power away from Kalanick, though he still owns a large stake in the company.

--It would apply a deadline by which Uber must go public. And if by the deadline the board has not approved an initial public offering -- but at least one-third of the board wants to move forward with an IPO -- the approving board members can appoint new board members until they reach a majority.

--It would alter Kalanick's control over his three board seats and shift more control to Dara Khosrowshahi, Kalanick's replacement as Uber's CEO. (Kalanick currently occupies one of the three board seats he controls. The proposal would not change that.)

The board may vote on the measure Tuesday.

More about the board maneuver:

On from Uber, Now NY City is trying to use regulation to stop Airbnb

Amazon Sweepstakes:  Awesome map

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