Tick Year. "Two years ago, I was walking through the forest with biologist Richard Ostfeld as he hunted for ticks (“Oh, I have an adult! Fantastic!”) when he warned me that 2017 was going to be really bad. That’s because 2015 was a “mast year,” when trees produce a ton of acorns. (Plant biologists are still figuring out how and why trees decide to mast.) The year after a mast year, the acorn-gnawing mouse population booms, and then the year after that—i.e., right now—the mouse blood–sucking tick population goes bonkers. Mice are also among the most important hosts for Lyme disease, the most common tick-borne disease in the country, so 2017 is likely to be a doozy for Lyme."
Supreme Court decision on Religion-State separation
Supreme Court will rule on Trump travel ban.
The home intercom startup that Amazon copycatted: "Eventually, platforms win." 天网恢恢、拷而不失。 难道说得不是亚马逊吗?
States pushing for globalization investment while federal level tries anti-globalization: https://www.marketplace.org/2017/06/26/economy/globalization-political-rhetoric-vs-ground-reality
CNN three journalists resigned for retracted story:
别让错估的时间,谋杀你的职业生涯 -飞总文。
时间是最难以估计,难以计划,难以周全考虑的维度。谢安淝水之战的表现为经典。桓温”庚戌土断“ ,谢玄“多募劲勇”北府兵; 桓冲顾全大局,与谢安联手,谈笑间强敌灰飞烟灭。这种合作需要的时间规划,知人善任,互信互助,在中国历史上汉以后非常难得。所谓千古风流人物,周瑜诸葛亮,都胜于内斗。 但谢氏恒氏王氏,内忍而外刚,光风霁月,中流砥柱,只有郭子仪李泌等可以相比。 时间不饶人,内斗不饶人。
《世说新语》谢公与人围棋,俄而谢玄淮上信至,看书竟,默然无言,徐向局。客问淮上利害,答曰:“ 小儿辈大破贼。” 意色举止,不异于常。
If history is any guide, religion and States will survive the disintegration of any state. But who will survive the disintegration of religion and States?
罗马之强,不能千年; 宗教之弱,常能千年。 什么又能千年长于宗教呢?
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