这段话对关尹喜说,已经有点不合适。 管他天高皇帝远,老子说了就说了。 道德经自出书不久就被明确称为“人君南面术“,“它涵盖了经国之道、阅人用人、纵横捭阖、统御之术,包纳百家、集千年之所成,是古代君主不可不研之学问。人君南面术从古至今并未形成一个系统的学科,但它无所不在,古代君主深入研究却闭口不说,从不将心得秘密轻易示人。” 正因此,在道教没落的古代朝代,道德经不适宜儿童启蒙,不适宜愚民教化,不适宜官学,甚至不适宜普通皇子教育;思想上劣币驱逐良币,不得不糅合佛教巫教儒教的神仙仪式迷信,以求生存。 如此不合时宜,这千年生存已经是奇迹。
正言若反。 凡复杂系统有多层真相。不同层次的循环与辩证,往往正反交替。道教道家主持预测祸福,构建修复系统。 古代儒法家争相为“帝王师”,众人争当“帝王”。 道德经直说:“受国之垢②,是谓社稷主;受国不祥③,是为天下王”。 简单说,就是要当老大,先做炮灰。 这句话给各位野心膨胀的都浇冷水,相当于葵花宝典开篇:“欲练神功,引刀自宫”。
道长们自己不想做炮灰,也不会忽悠别人去做炮灰。 道家道教崇尚个人自由,真理追求; 所幸我们出生的时代,民主社会的价值观已经接近道教本色,道长不妨减减迷信行装。 为道长们匍匐前进加油。
The Sixteenth Amendment, approved by Congress in 1909 and ratified in 1913, made it possible for Congress to enact an income tax without having to worry about whether, under the rules applicable to direct taxes, the tax had to be apportioned among the states on the basis of population.
Congress has the "power to lay and collect taxes," including an income tax, but, under two constitutional provisions (see Article I, Section 2, Clause 3; Article I, Section 9, Clause 4), direct taxes must be apportioned—a difficult requirement to satisfy.
Thus this amendment. 16th Amendment was passed in 1913. Income tax was passed proposing to target rich mostly and indeed at first apply to rich mostly. But this changed after 20+ years, payroll income tax targeting middle class and working class becomes increasingly on hook. ”受国之税,是谓社稷主。“ 可以安慰。
Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Texas, Washington and Wyoming has no State income tax. These states tend to have more distinct budget and legislature culture. http://www.cbpp.org/research/state-budget-and-tax/policy-basics-where-do-our-state-tax-dollars-go
Thus this amendment. 16th Amendment was passed in 1913. Income tax was passed proposing to target rich mostly and indeed at first apply to rich mostly. But this changed after 20+ years, payroll income tax targeting middle class and working class becomes increasingly on hook. ”受国之税,是谓社稷主。“ 可以安慰。
Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Texas, Washington and Wyoming has no State income tax. These states tend to have more distinct budget and legislature culture. http://www.cbpp.org/research/state-budget-and-tax/policy-basics-where-do-our-state-tax-dollars-go
税收改革在古代朝代往往牵涉国本。 但是在现代民主社会,和平大规模调整税收比较常见。 有progressive taxation like income tax, 有regressive tax like sales tax, 有人头税(Apportioned),有地产税(反对土地兼并),有official monopoly tax 如盐铁茶税(独立战争的波士顿茶党),恶习税如烟酒糖水税。
另外还有传统基督教的十一税等。 美国联邦税收与州独立收税,尊重教会独立募捐收membership;并支持凭借教会慈善赠予州税,合法减联邦税。所以各族人民都热衷于“纳税”给自己的教会,给自家子弟提供减免费教会学校,扶持自家文化,形成更小更多的局部良性循环。
所以宁可缴纳教会税,合法避免州税; 宁可缴纳州税,合法避免国税; 宁可缴纳国税,尽量避免智商藐法税。 世界上最危险的税是智商藐法税。
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