Monday, May 29, 2017

DDJ 75. 求生之厚,废奴十三修订


“民之难治,以其上之有为①,是以难治。民之轻死,以其上求生之厚②,是以轻死夫唯无以生为者,是贤于贵生.  ”


屈原在美国历史上,最像Thomas Jefferson, Robert Lee 这些南方忧郁贵族,文豪名将;本身充满矛盾,叛逆眷恋,无力回天。 

道教怜惜屈原“皓皓之白”,然不推荐以“身之察察”赴湘流。  ”宁其死为留骨而贵乎,宁其生而曳尾于涂中乎“ - 庄子



富贵,死地。役人,死地。自恨,死地。 轻死,死地。 


Section 1

Section 2

Quoted from above:
The Thirteenth Amendment was intended to complete the destruction of slavery begun by the U.S. government during the Civil War in its policy of military emancipation. The official aim of the war was to preserve the Union and the Constitution against the attempt of eleven Southern states to secede from the Union by armed force. In an attempt to keep the peace and prevent further secession, Congress proposed a constitutional amendment on March 2, 1861, stating that the Constitution should never be amended to give Congress power to abolish or interfere with slavery within any state. Once the South had seceded, the status of slavery in the rebellious states was subject to change. Union policy recognized that emancipation of slaves employed in support of the rebellion was a legitimate war measure. The Emancipation Proclamation, issued by President Abraham Lincoln on January 1, 1863, signaled the transformation of an expedient military strategy into a settled executive policy for maintaining the freedom of slaves, emancipated by military means or through enforcement of confiscation and treason statutes enacted by Congress.
On the assumption that slavery was a state rather than national institution, antislavery advocates at first anticipated that military defeat of the Confederacy would result in its abolition through amendment of state constitutions. The Emancipation Proclamation shifted the focus of antislavery strategy to the national government. Lincoln's proclamation stated that "the Executive government of the United States, including the military and naval authorities thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom" of emancipated slaves. ...    The legal effect of the executive order on individual slaves was uncertain... To place slave emancipation on a secure constitutional footing, Congress proposed on January 31, 1865, to abolish slavery by constitutional amendment. Ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment, including approval by reconstructed governments in the former Confederate states, was completed on December 6, 1865.
The Thirteenth Amendment is libertarian in its nature and purpose, however, rather than egalitarian. The libertarian characteristic of the amendment was made clear in congressional debate in 1864. Congress rejected a more far-reaching proposal, which stated: "All persons are equal before the law, so that no person can hold another as a slave; and the Congress shall have the power to make all laws necessary and proper to carry this declaration into effect everywhere within the United States."

道德经是中国古代废奴先驱也是废奴思想集大成者。但是老子有不直说的习惯;“我有三宝”,大约他以为奴隶主认真研究“慈俭让”,就可以自己动手照顾自己,还奴隶自由。 最明确继承废奴思想的墨家风靡一时,又MIA。儒教也继承废奴思想,但是君子动口不动手,忠君高于爱民,指望儒教不现实。 道教不常执政,但凡执政废话不说, 先减税废奴; 虽然很快就有口摘桃子的把道教吆喝到边边上站着,但也算无愧于心尽力而为。
所以老子不直说,不捅破窗户纸,有点失算。 奴隶制一直没有根绝,毒瘤在以后的2500年中定期发作,毒死毒残好几个重要朝代(比如司马晋朝,唐,宋); 甚至贴心地为广大奴隶们输入全套奴隶教; 宋朝以后,草原奴隶主们更是万众一心,”去花花世界,抢美女奴隶“是他们的号召口号。  


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