Wednesday, May 9, 2018


另外有个实干群,正在找适合进入美国中学历史的华人历史教材。 我觉得这个工作很值得做。 但是什么材料适合大书而特书呢? 我觉得需要考虑更深远。

有的材料,表现出非常负面,威胁性的华人形象。 这种材料,再完美,也要慎用。


Met the author of this C100 white paper on "Prosecuting Chinese Spies:" An Empirical Analysis of the Economic Espinage Act. Above is the 20 pages Executive Summary of the white paper.

It finds: 1) The percentage of people of Chinese heritage charged under the Economic Espionage Act (EEA) has tripled since 2009, to 52%. Including people of non-Chinese Asian descent, 62% of EEA defendants charged since 2009 have been people of Asian heritage; 2) In half (48%) of cases, the alleged beneficiary of espionage was an American en)ty while a third (34%) of cases involved a Chinese beneficiary. Russia was not iden)fied as the alleged beneficiary in any cases in the sample; 3) Defendants of Asian heritage convicted of espionage received sentences over twice as severe as those of other ethnici)es; 4) 22% of people of Asian heritage charged with economic espionage were never convicted of espionage. In other words, as many as 1 in 5 Asian people prosecuted as spies may be innocent, a rate twice as large as for other races.

This Study analyzes a random sample of cases charged under the Economic Espionage Act (EEA) from 1997 to 2015, (136 cases involving 187 individual defendants), using publicly available court documents drawn from the Public Access to Court Electronic Records system (PACER).

From 1996 to 2008, 17% of EEA defendants were Chinese while 8% were other Asians. Between 2009 and 2015, however, the rate of Chinese defendants tripled, to 52%. The rate for other Asians increased only slightly over the same )me period, to 10%. In sum, 62% of EEA defendants prosecuted under the Obama administra)on were people of Asian heritage.


千年历史,也有玩完的时侯。 古埃及也是几千年历史,现在文字文化宗教全部被新兴的沙漠教埋葬。
不学历史,就没有危机感。 五胡乱华那次,华人文化差点玩完。 蒙古夹心满洲那1000年中世纪,华人文化也差点玩完。 现在,华人文化也快玩完了。


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