天命说: 喂-懒人,要在美国传道教啊。
天命说:就你了。 学过《道德经》《美国宪法》的是你。再勤快,就去学四书五经了;然后攀比,内斗,当人上人! 我实在找不到更勤快更聪明的道士了。
我说: 我怕被人骂。
天命说:不怕,美国第一保护的就是宗教自由。 大家都不敢说你。
我哭了: 我只是入门而已。 道教都有打破砂锅问到底的宗教病。 我怕被打破砂锅问到底。 你怎么不找别人找我? 老实交代! 我是不是最后一个?
天命说:你看这美国, 好山好水,各个宗教都浩浩荡荡。 可是我道教,唉。
我说:我也没辙。。。 您做点正事: 帮我寻找同道。 老子不想当最后一个道教,patient no -1。 拜托。拜托。
sansudaoist 坐标商号 gmail
我说:要不要把它放进瓶子里头,您来护航。 否则我怎么知道您是真天命还是假天命?
天命说:你是不是要我雷劈你? 才知道真假。
我陷入沉思。 (马丁路德大哥。 当年走在法律学院的康庄大道上。可是有一天,马丁被雷劈了,辍学去了神学院。 去了神学院,却带着律师的逻辑。 律师的逻辑来看天主教的教廷practice,一看一个气,一口气看出95条不合逻辑之处。 后来马丁路德大哥不仅自己娶叛逃的修女,还组织改教的天主教教士去解放修女,鼓励修女嫁人生儿育女,建设新教社区。)
最后我说: 天命啊, 你直说,你真想要一个道教的马丁路德大哥吗?
天命说:。。。 我没有实体。 历史科学创造了我。 你能找到我的矛盾证明我错了,我就服了you.
我说:原来没鞋的不怕穿鞋的; 没实体的不怕有实体的。
天命说: 对哦! 道生一,一生二,二生三,三生万物。 我是道,我怕谁?
“道”有自洽自正自然的感染力,我的能力有限,只能传信。 希望一传十,十传百。 期待正能量的循环,指数增长。
天命说:。。。 我没有实体。 历史科学创造了我。 你能找到我的矛盾证明我错了,我就服了you.
我说:原来没鞋的不怕穿鞋的; 没实体的不怕有实体的。
天命说: 对哦! 道生一,一生二,二生三,三生万物。 我是道,我怕谁?
“道”有自洽自正自然的感染力,我的能力有限,只能传信。 希望一传十,十传百。 期待正能量的循环,指数增长。
DDJ 42. 人之所教,我亦教之
On Easter Eve, 4 April 1523, Luther sent Leonhard Köppe, a city councilman of Torgauand merchant who regularly delivered herring to the monastery. The nuns successfully escaped by hiding in Köppe's covered wagon among the fish barrels, and fled to Wittenberg. A local student wrote to a friend: 'A wagon load of vestal virgins has just come to town, all more eager for marriage than for life. God grant them husbands lest worse befall."[10]
Luther at first asked the parents and relations of the refugee nuns to admit them again into their houses, but they declined to receive them, possibly as this was participating in a crime under canon law.[11] Within two years, Luther was able to arrange homes, marriages, or employment for all of the escaped nuns—except for Katharina. She first was housed with the family of Philipp Reichenbach, the city clerk of Wittenberg. Later she went to the home of Lucas Cranach the Elder and his wife, Barbara.
Katharina had a number of suitors, including Wittenberg University alumnus Jerome (Hieronymus) Baumgärtner (1498–1565) of Nuremberg and a pastor, Kaspar Glatz of Orlamünde. None of the proposed matches resulted in marriage. She told Luther’s friend and fellow reformer, Nikolaus von Amsdorf, that she would be willing to marry only Luther or von Amsdorf himself.
Martin Luther, as well as many of his friends, were at first unsure of whether he should even be married. Philipp Melanchthon thought that Luther's marriage would hurt the Reformation because of potential scandal. Luther eventually came to the conclusion that "his marriage would please his father, rile the pope, cause the angels to laugh, and the devils to weep."[12] Martin Luther married Katharina on June 13, 1525, before witnesses 。
On Easter Eve, 4 April 1523, Luther sent Leonhard Köppe, a city councilman of Torgauand merchant who regularly delivered herring to the monastery. The nuns successfully escaped by hiding in Köppe's covered wagon among the fish barrels, and fled to Wittenberg. A local student wrote to a friend: 'A wagon load of vestal virgins has just come to town, all more eager for marriage than for life. God grant them husbands lest worse befall."[10]
Luther at first asked the parents and relations of the refugee nuns to admit them again into their houses, but they declined to receive them, possibly as this was participating in a crime under canon law.[11] Within two years, Luther was able to arrange homes, marriages, or employment for all of the escaped nuns—except for Katharina. She first was housed with the family of Philipp Reichenbach, the city clerk of Wittenberg. Later she went to the home of Lucas Cranach the Elder and his wife, Barbara.
Katharina had a number of suitors, including Wittenberg University alumnus Jerome (Hieronymus) Baumgärtner (1498–1565) of Nuremberg and a pastor, Kaspar Glatz of Orlamünde. None of the proposed matches resulted in marriage. She told Luther’s friend and fellow reformer, Nikolaus von Amsdorf, that she would be willing to marry only Luther or von Amsdorf himself.
Martin Luther, as well as many of his friends, were at first unsure of whether he should even be married. Philipp Melanchthon thought that Luther's marriage would hurt the Reformation because of potential scandal. Luther eventually came to the conclusion that "his marriage would please his father, rile the pope, cause the angels to laugh, and the devils to weep."[12] Martin Luther married Katharina on June 13, 1525, before witnesses 。
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