面对这种hate speech或者针对华人的抹黑(暗示华人是瘟疫的携带者,暗示华人有道德缺陷,暗示华人給美国带来了瘟疫),一般只有1分钟可以反应。 如果不说话就是默认了。 然后就会被孤立,甚至最后被解雇。所以华人需要开始练习talking points. 遇到以后,马上能说几句话。
不需要长篇大论。只需要见缝插针,说一两个talking points就好。 多和孩子练习。这样遇到抹黑,不会默认,也不会过激反应。
1) vast majority of Chinese don't eat bats and other wild critters. But like Americans, we have some adventurous eaters and survivalists, who eat anything. Not much we could do about them.
2) The vast majority Chinese, like Americans, had flu. The Chinese hospitals identified this virus very early on and immediately got it sequenced and published and made it available to the American scientists to study. This is amazing public service!
3) The Chinese government is trying very hard to contain this new virus. What they are doing, is astounding in scale. It will be opportunity for historic study. The Chinese should be applauded and supported for trying something entirely new to contain a new virus that is relatively mild compared to MERS and polio.
4) 100 years ago, Spanish flu actually started in America. It killed millions of Americans and tens of millions of people world wide. Sooner or later, America will face an indigenous outbreak of a new virus. We will be better prepared, if we learn from the Chinese instead of laughing at the Chinese.
5) The Chinese medical professionals are working long hours trying to contain this virus and save lives. They deserve respect and support.
6) The Chinese are learning to be more conscientious, washing hands and wearing masks. They are suffering and they are heroes. People who laugh at other people's suffering, will not earn the respect. The Chinese and Americans, we are all in this together.
其实职场也需要常备talking points. 印度人一般都很认真的准备talking points. 职场每次performance review, interview都需要准备talking points. 没准备的人,面对暗示侮辱和诘问,哑口无言。 失去机会,甚至砸了机会。 有机会,才能屯房子炒股。
3) The Chinese government is trying very hard to contain this new virus. What they are doing, is astounding in scale. It will be opportunity for historic study. The Chinese should be applauded and supported for trying something entirely new to contain a new virus that is relatively mild compared to MERS and polio.
4) 100 years ago, Spanish flu actually started in America. It killed millions of Americans and tens of millions of people world wide. Sooner or later, America will face an indigenous outbreak of a new virus. We will be better prepared, if we learn from the Chinese instead of laughing at the Chinese.
5) The Chinese medical professionals are working long hours trying to contain this virus and save lives. They deserve respect and support.
6) The Chinese are learning to be more conscientious, washing hands and wearing masks. They are suffering and they are heroes. People who laugh at other people's suffering, will not earn the respect. The Chinese and Americans, we are all in this together.
其实职场也需要常备talking points. 印度人一般都很认真的准备talking points. 职场每次performance review, interview都需要准备talking points. 没准备的人,面对暗示侮辱和诘问,哑口无言。 失去机会,甚至砸了机会。 有机会,才能屯房子炒股。